Haddington pipers go to the movies
Alastair Bruce
Managing Director at Shaw

Since 2011, we have been designing and producing the ever-entertaining and innovative calendar for Haddington Pipe Band, and this year saw what is being hailed as the best yet.
In partnership with photographer Paul Bock, we devised a movies theme and recreated 13 unique shots based on iconic movie posters.
The resultant 2020 calendar, Haddington Pipe Band at the Movies, features shots including Pipers of the Caribbean, Trainsporraning, Chariots of the Shire, GoodPipas, The Sound of Pipe Music, Happy Piper and the Chanter of Secrets, The Goodpiper, and Reservoir Brogues.
Design and the superb photoshopping work was completed by Aimée Colley.